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Take the plunge! Join the Unplugged Adventures community

Back in 1996, during a backpacking trip through Glacier National Park, I took a literal plunge in glacier-fed Lake Josephine. I can still feel today my pores closing against the frigid water!

Earlier this year, I took a figurative plunge. I decided to take back control of my life, to pursue a new adventure. I left my job of 8 years, and my career of 18 years, to create a new “quilt” career – teaching, coaching, consulting and…starting a business!

Easier said than done, right? Yes, I know change is hard and the “unknown” is scary. It’s not always easy to take risks, to take the proverbial “plunge”.

I know this intimately from years of managing teams through ambiguity and change in the business world. But, the fear of the unknown must not be allowed to create paralysis. Fear of change (and failure) must not be allowed to inhibit innovation, unique discovery or the pursuit of The New. Do you want to know the secret to overcoming these challenges?

“Just Do It.” (thank you Nike)

In software/product development, we call it Agile – rapid ideation, development, testing, and iteration with a streamlined user feedback loop. Gone are the days of waiting for a final (final) product before launch. These days, we aim to get product in users’ hands as quickly as possible and keep it there for constant feedback. The best products undergo hundreds of iterations, and are never “final”.

This “product dynamism” enables companies to better meet the needs of their customers, adapting rapidly as user requirements change. The world is not static, so why would we develop static products?

I fully embrace this dynamic development approach. As I launched Unplugged Adventures, I lived Nike’s motto. In May, I had an idea. In July, Unplugged Adventures was born. We designed our events in August and September. In October, we ran our first event and gathered feedback from our participants. In November, we revised our Expedition format. Now we’re planning to run 5-7 events per week through the Summer of 2017…and we need your help.

Go ahead, take the plunge. JUST DO IT. Join the Unplugged Adventures community and help us create the best, most unforgettable adventure experiences for your kids. Please take a few minutes to complete a short survey by clicking this link:

THANK YOU! We look forward to hearing from you and to tailoring our events to best meet your needs and the needs of your kids. By submitting your email address you will be the first to hear about our upcoming events.

And, if you’re thinking about making a change or trying something new…you know what you need to do!

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